Does your pet suffer from behavior problems? You’re not alone. When pets have behavior problems, it can be hard to remember how lovable, loyal and entertaining they can be. But it doesn’t have to be this way! With scientifically proven Good Behavior Pheromone Technology from SENTRY, solutions to some of the toughest behavior problems for cats and dogs are available. I’d like to share an example from pet parent Kathryn Dunlap.
Kathryn has always had an affinity for large-breed dogs. In addition to Rufio, her Neapolitan Mastiff, and a Great Dane named Sugar, Kathryn is also a pet parent to Wilma, a 15-month-old Great Dane.
According to Kathryn, Wilma is an exceptionally energetic and strong-willed girl who was using her size to be pushy with the family. Wilma was beginning to break things around the house and Kathryn was worried that she could accidentally hurt someone.
Aware that Wilma was still young and continuing to grow, Kathryn realized that it was time to stop Wilma’s behavior before she became too large to control.
Kathryn saw SENTRY Stop That! Spray advertised on the Pet Health Central Facebook page and decided to give it a try. She was amazed with the results! Wilma was more manageable and obedient after just its first use and, as a result, Kathryn swears that the product works like magic!
The sound and calming effect that SENTRY Stop That! Spray has on Wilma is immediate — stopping her in her tracks and helping to settle her down. Even when the young Great Dane becomes overly excited from time to time, Kathryn simply shows Wilma the Stop That! Spray can and the same effect results. Wilma knows that when the Stop That! Spray can comes out her behavior is unacceptable and stops whatever that negative behavior is right away.
Kathryn says that Stop That! Spray has taught Wilma her boundaries and couldn’t imagine her life without it. She swears that it’s truly a life-changing product!
-Photo Credit: Wilma, From Kathryn Dunlap and Rufio Ricard’s Fan Club.